My Portfolio

Person Photo

Sharuk Nidimamidi

Age: 21

Phone Number: 7981350465


Location: Bukkapatnam

College: Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Engineering & Technology (Autonomous)

Course & Branch: B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering

Technical Skills: C, Python, Java; Databases : MySQL, MongoDB; Web Design : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, NodeJS

I am an enthusiastic programmer and web developer, eager to excel in the world of programming and web development

My Personal Projects

Project 1

Chat Application

A chat Application to communicate with random people who are using this website.

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Project 2

QR Code Generator

Generates QR code for the given url

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Project 3

Country Information Website

This Website provides the random country details across the world

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Project 4

Random Quote Generator Website

This Website provides the Random Quotes of various authors

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Project 5

Weather Forecast Website

This Website forecast the weather of a city by using OpenWeatherMap API key

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Project 6

Canteen Website

This Website shows the menus of the stalls present in our College Canteen

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